"WHAT. THE. FUCK? 5 minutes after I met this guy he dumped a giant beer on my best friend, called her a “fat bitch” several times and threatened to beat up her boyfriend. He’s covered in these god awful satanic tattoos and when we got to his place he made me watch Sixteen Candles and listen to a bunch of gangsta rap. He slapped me around and choked me the whole time we boned, then he held my hand and walked me to the train in the morning. I’m still confused."
I saw this website the other night and thought it was one the best blogs I've seen in a while. Chicks (mostly in NYC) can send in photos and stories of dudes they have slept with that were dicks or just really bad lays. These get posted with the photo and only a black bar over their eyes. It's pretty hilarious, and I totally considered sending in a submission or two of my own. However, the site got shut down pretty fast. It was only up for like, 4 days. I guess, Tumblr (the blog host) wasn't a big fan of the idea and it's minor vulgarity. But, it's back! Right here. Check it out for a good laugh. Also, I'm pretty sure I know at least 2 of the guys on here.
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