Let's all get hired as teachers and try to get fired! Who's with me?!
Get this, so teachers' contracts make it so hard for the city to fire them, that the city banishes them to the "rubber rooms" (or temporary reassignment centers) if they get into trouble instead. The teachers stay there for however long it takes to figure out each individual case (usually months to years)!
While in the rubber room, teachers keep their normal working hours, get holidays and summers off and get paid their full-time, regular wages. Except they're not teaching, they're just sitting in a room for 8 hrs a day, doing whatever they please.
700 teachers or so, who on average make about $70,000 a year, are banished to the rubber rooms. Which means the taxpayers of NYC end up paying about $65 million a year on them. Crazy!
Of course that's the short of it, so click here to read in more detail about it.
via Yahoo News
Reading this article seriously angers me. Thousands of people have lost their jobs in this s**thole economy and yet these "teachers" are paid to do NOTHING. ALL of these 700 teachers need to be given the pink slip pronto. There are more QUALIFIED individuals than these 700 teachers that can DO the job and make a difference in kids lives.
These 700 "teachers" are NOTHING but a WASTE of taxpayers money. I'm surprised there's not a lynch mob organizing in New York. These teachers give others a bad name. They give the whole education/school system concept a bad name. Nobody needs to wonder why education in general is a "joke".
This article is just sickening beyond belief.
they did a this american life podcast about this! they interviewed some of the teachers who are in the rooms, it's real interesting. check it out, i think you can just search for it at the this american life website and listen for free.
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