Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are: Full Album Stream

I once knew a boy in college who had a really wonderful half-sleeve of the characters from Where The Wild Things Are. The book obviously held a place near and dear to him and I wish I had photos of his sleeve to share with you. I wonder if he'll feel any differently about it once the movie comes out...

On a related note, a full album stream just popped up of Karen O & The Kids', Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack, so go on over to Stereogum to take a listen. You won't be disappointed. It's dreamy, playful, innocent and though I had no idea what Karen O would come up with, this is exactly how I think the soundtrack should sound.

Full Album Stream

Tim Burton Is Genius, As Always

Tim Burton recently styled a shoot for Harper's Bazaar and of course it's brilliant, just like everything else he does! Tim Burton really, truly can do no wrong in my eyes. His visions are always so creative and different than everything else going on and this shoot is no exception. It's fun, creepy and darkly whimsical and features some of his more well known characters (look for Edward).

(Tim in front of the camera)

Beautiful spread, no? Check out lots more pics here!

Intervention Update: Allison the Huffer

I have a slight obsession with A&E's Intervention. It's definitely a sad show to watch, but I'd say most of the time, the addicts go to rehab, get the help they need and seem to stay clean.

There was a girl on the show once named Allison, who was a huffer - meaning she'd huff cans of dust remover. Her catchphrase was 'It's like I'm waking on sunshine,' if that rings any bells. She huffed so many cans on a daily basis and seemed so wacked out and brain damaged on her episode, I honestly didn't think she'd stand a chance for a 'normal' life again. But I was wrong!

A&E just did a follow up on her and she's sober and healthy. And even makes a few jokes about her episode. Yay for Allison, this makes me happy!

Here is Allison pre-intervention:

And CLICK HERE to see how she's doing now (can't seem to find this video anywhere besides Jezebel, so click on through people)!

I Want To Ride My Biiiicycle.

These glow in the dark rims are badass.

And this bike looks like a cartoon bike. A Smurf bike to be exact!

Lots more rad fixed gears here!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

by Robert Longo

I am very drawn to this 'Heros' series by NYC artist Robert Longo. You know I love my black and white photos, which is of course one reason I love these photos, but I really love the subject matter here.

I'm sure my dad being a Marine pilot has something to do with it and growing up in that environment, but I've always been intrigued by airplanes and airports and flying - the potential for travel, to experience new places and environments - the possibilities for exploration are really endless. And this world is just so big.

I digress though, because while these photos make me think of travel, they really evoke feelings of power and strength. These pilots look straight up tough and menacing. I certainly would never want to cross paths with them in the sky.

via The Selby

Dear Fall,

I'm a little bit excited for you to get here so I can wear these precious heart tights. But just so you know, it's still summer. Yep, it's still summer until September 22nd. So why don't you back up off the warm weather now for a few more weeks, it's not your turn yet. Thanks!

The Daily Notch

image via garance dore

Death From Above 1979

Romantic Rights.

On a serious Death From Above 1979 kick this week. Can't stop listening.

Blood On Our Hands

I Want.

Oakley's Frogskins are some pretty iconic shades (see above). I've toyed with the idea of getting a pair for a while now but for some reason, just never did. But after seeing the amazing new woodgrain pair (see below) that Oakley and Eric Koston teamed up to make - drool!! - I'm finally going to make that purchase!

Global Warming's Not Real

To symbolize the effect of global warming, Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo created 1,000 ice sculptures in the shape of people, and placed them on the steps of a Berlin music hall yesterday. Within 30 minutes the sculptures started to melt.

This is kind of a cool idea, except global warming clearly is not real. Did they not go outside at all this summer and feel how chilly its been!

via Winnipeg Sun

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kurt Cobain Is Rolling Over In His Grave

I heard that Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' was going to be on the new Guitar Hero game, but I didn't know that Kurt Cobain would be a playable character. Which means he sings along and dances to any song you play...you can watch him rap as Flava Flav, pretend to be Gavin Rossdale in Bush or, probably worst, prance around in Bon Jovi.

Courtney Love, we all know you need a paycheck and all, but seriously? This is pretty tasteless, even for you.

via Stereogum and Pitchfork


I present to you, the 2009 summer cover of Stunnazine Magazine (an artsy little website I was lucky enough to stumble upon while doing research for a client about teen advice websites).