3 years ago
Heisse news! Ich have just made a movie. It’s basically ze most important documentary made about a hot vhite guy since Passion Of Ze Christ.
Fashion is ze lifesavingest of all ze sciences. NOT 1 suicide bomber has ever blown zemselves up vearing Marc Jacobs. U do ze mathematischer
Mein niece's 13th birthday next Mon - been searching for her present for ages. AT LAST ich have found a surgeon who vill do ze tzitzenjob!!
"Right now America is like a company teetering on bankruptcy -- we have lost so much credibility and brand currency over the past eight years. And so we invited some of the best visual communicators we know (from ad gurus to artists) to create original advertising concepts that could redefine our country's image. Welcome to U.S.A. 2.0."There were some really great faux ad campaigns, so I thought I'd share my favorites...