Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dumb Dumb and Dumb

You've got to be kidding me!! Did that woman seriously just tie a dog up in her belt?!

Apparently, this is a real thing and is called, wait for it..... a dog fanny pack. Here's the description I found about it:
"If you have a small dog and don’t feel like leaving it at home while you are out for a run or a brisk walk, you can bring it with you in a Pooch Fanny Pack. This innovation promotes a healthy lifestyle for both you and your pooch."
Wait, I'm sorry, but if you're going on a brisk walk, why would you not take your dog out with you? Dogs are made for walks! And how in the world does hooking your dog to a belt on a walk promote a healthy lifestyle for an animal? It actually looks like it's being squished to death, which I would venture to say, is not very healthy.

This is so utterly ridiculous it's got to be fake, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just so wrong. That does not look comfortable.